Stunningly beautiful, mind-blowing, magical and hilarious for all ages; Miss T The Bubble Queen and her Bubbleology Show brings her bubble extravaganza of comedic, wondrous, educational and magical intertwined with her mix of sophisticated bubble tricks.
This is a world where everything is bubbles and joy!!
The Bubbleology Show (Indoor)
This is a sit down speaking choreographed performance not a show set to music where I just make bubbles.
During the Indoor Bubbleology Show, which is an interactive show in which I educate and engage the guests with various bubble tricks that you never thought possible. Guests will see the spinning bubble carousel, an erupting bubble volcano, an actual spinning tornado created inside a bubble, 3d bubble cube, a person in a bubble, a competition with 4 guests who stand inside a bubble while trying to blow a bubble out of a bubble, the friendship bubble arch and even a child inside a bubble dome.
All this while learning and discovering impossible possibilities of bubbles. This is a whimsical, funny, educational and captivating speaking performance with ideas and solutions all correlating to the bubble tricks. Ideas regarding science, shapes, (ology)the study of, be who you are, french words, law of the bubble, funny mix ups, you are the best, the scientific method, weather and even our natural world.
You will see the bubble carousel, bubble tornado, flaming bubbles, fog filled bubbles, bubble cubes, friendship bubble, bubbles filled with bubbles, see us create a bubble wall and magically make a hole in it that you can put your hand in and it won’t burst, the bubble that walks, watch an audience member step into our bubble of DOOM and try to blow a bubble out of the bubble while there in a bubble.
The performance also includes a few French words or you can request to have the entire show in French.
Questions regarding what the show encompasses, space requirements, interactions and more are answered here on the Q & A
View videos of what the show entails, keep in mind indoor shows are speaking performances and many of my YouTube videos are set to music, yet videos #4,5 and 9 does encompass Miss T’s funny, kind and whimsical personality during a show as well as educational aspects.
View the media page link
The Bubbleology Show (Outdoor)
This is not a sit down show, it is an active bubble performance that is set to joyful music.
During the outdoor Bubbleology Show guests will be surprised to see mega bubbles the size of mini coopers soaring high, millions of beach ball sized bubbles bouncing across the sky to chase and pop, 30ft long bubble tubes, massive flowing clouds of bubbles, watch as I blow bubbles inside of giant bubbles, ameba shaped bubbles, see me catch a big bubble in mid-air like magic and present it to a guest to pop, surprise a guest by a giant bubble foam hat or even be chosen to have a giant bubble pulled over them to be put inside a bubble. This is all done with my unique 10ft tall custom wands which helps my bubbles reach a wide area so that guests not just in front of me but even way in the back get the same experience with the bubbles. Outdoor shows transport you into the magical world of mega bubbles. No one can resist these bubbles; they tend to draw crowds from all over, the are astounded at the sheer size and length of these bubbles.
Bubbles create a magical and peaceful atmosphere and by fully engaging all the senses on every level, sounds, colors, light, touch, smell and pure joy it creates a powerful recall memory of what they experienced at your event for years to come by making the simple beautiful again. My point in all my shows is to create strong magical moments giving guests a permanent memory with my unique bubbles.
Questions regarding what the show encompasses, space requirements, interactions and more refer to my Q & A here
View videos of what this show entails, many of my YouTube videos are set to music that is not used during an outdoor show. Videos #4 demonstrates Miss T’s funny, kind and whimsical personality seen during a show. Media page link
Festival shows
As above you have the indoor or outdoor options plus there is also the festival show which is a fringe or busker style pitch show. The outdoor option is a great when you are looking for walkabout, stationary, or an activation type of entertainment.
The Festival Bubbleology Show is for when you are envisioning a busker style pitch act that would be stationary.
This is a one-of-a-kind experience captivating audiences with Miss T’s unique bubble-rific charm, witty comedy and magician style bubble tricks leaving them amazed and perplexed with wonder, imagination and laughs all with the simple bubble.
During this performance there are outdoor show aspects such as mega and millions of bubbles attacking the crowds yet you also see magician tricks.
Audiences are mesmerized as I join bubbles together, attacks a bubble with her mighty sword and cuts them apart, blows fog bubbles inside of massive bubbles that flies over the crowd surrounding, catch a bubble in mid air like magic and present it to an audience member to pop, pull a a guest to create a giant foam bubble hat on their head, divide fog bubbles into 100s with a swipe of the fan, a giant fog bubble that pops and mysteriously a hidden clear bubble appears, foam bubble high fives that make a splash and more. Throughout the show there are many comedic portions but you don’t want to step inside the circle pitch area for her bubble security has a special trick that will surely keep you away when you get squirted with water. Many bubbles make their way to the audience during the performance plus at the end as a grand finale she makes millions of bubbles that bombards the audience.
Questions regarding what the show encompasses, space requirements, interactions and more refer to my Q & A here
View videos of the show, many of my YouTube videos are set to music that is not used during a show. Media page link
Bubble Science for Schools, Libraries & Museums
Bubbles are an engineering feet, during this performance learn why they’re spherical, how to make a cube bubble, WHAT IS A BUBBLE, what’s inside a bubble and the science of bubble tornadoes – all of this is however related to the physical laws of our very own natural world and are all demonstrated with the simple and yet mysterious bubble.
While learning about the magic and wonder about bubbles we demonstrate an interesting and fun way to learn of science, math, be who you are, if you can be tricked and more and all with the simple bubble. See me create a fog tornado inside an actual bubble and watch it spin… Then l will explain what is going on… How can I create bubble shapes such as a cube, or a dodecahedron, learn to create a bubbles shape. Bubbles, no matter how you try always want to be a sphere but there are ways to manipulate the natural order of the bubble.
I also create MASSIVE bubbles, bubble carousels, bubble volcanoes, bubble chains, SQUARE bubbles, stand inside an actual HUGE bubble tube, plus even see contestants attempt to blow a bubble out of a bubble while standing inside of a bubble. Hard to say I know!!!!
The Bubbleology Show is a fun educational performance for school settings, classes, museums, libraries, camps, groups, daycares and more.
I always bring the educational aspect to the Bubble Science Shows and it is always geared towards the specific age group of the audience.
Questions regarding what the show encompasses, space requirements, interactions and more refer to my Q & A here
View videos of what the show entails via youtube, keep in mind indoor shows are speaking performances and many of my YouTube videos are set to music, yet videos #4,5,9 below does encompass Miss T’s funny, kind and whimsical personality during a show as well as educational aspects. Also if you follow to my youtube shorts sections there are more portions of my speaking interactions.
View the media page link
incredibubble stage show:
The Incredibubble Show is a big stage show where you are introduced to new dazzling tricks not seen in any of my other shows.
There is magic, wonder and awe with the beauty of bubbles and what they can do in a different way.
The bubble light table and bubble wall make their appearance during this theatrical experience.
This show is about the bigger bubbles the better.
On the light table you will see glowing bubble domes within domes, double bubble spinning carousel, a giant glowing erupting bubble volcano, see me create a hovering bubble that stays in mid air like magic, a rocket bubble where I create 2 bubbles but when one is popped the other shoots up like a rocket. With the bubble wall watch as I can magically put my arm though, pull bubbles off of or blow bubble through, the climbing bubble and more. You will witness the unique 1000 bubble bubble chain, see me try to break the world record and one of the highlights of the show is when an audience member is enclosed inside a bubble with a grand finale of an explosion of bubbles.
With the dazzling high tech light table and bubble wall, stage props, and special effects we will reinvent your world of bubbles during the world-class Bubbleology big stage show “Incredibubble”. We provide adults and children alike with a tailor-made experience that’s truly unforgett-a-bubbleous!
View videos of what the show entails on the media page link here
walkabouts and Bubble fairy
The bubble fairy aka Bubblaria is a non talking magical addition that adds an air of whimsy and wonder to any event. In costume with high tech real looking wings and her bubbly personality she interacts with all guests of all sizes surprising them with a bubble in her hand and then magically as the bubble pops a fairy stone appears as a gift to the guest to keep. She prances around the event activating areas with her bubble fairy personality. Bubblaria is her fairy name and she has awakened many souls at many events across North America with her magical presence to make any one awaken their inner child at heart. Events can provide other gifts of their choosing for Bubblaria to give as a different option rather than a stone.
Walkabout performances is an option for a larger event that wishes to have many activations with my unique bubbles, this is an only outdoor performance option. Miss T roams grounds of your fair, festival, exhibition… and creates an ethereal atmosphere where ever she goes with her bubbles.
Questions regarding what the show encompasses, space requirements, interactions and more refer to my Q & A here
Media page link
Bubbleology Interactive stations
This was a creation after consulting with a well known theme park with a special request for their event.
After performing children wanted to hold the bubbles, make bubbles of their own, blow a bubble in a bubble, have their chance in trying out our tools or meet and greets and this is how it is possible with this Bubble Interactive Stations.
Any interactive station is only available as an add on with a booked bubble show.
Scheduled in between shows or even as a promo for an indoor show when your festival is both indoor and outdoor. A marvelous new approach that invites everyone into my world, a special chance to be involved with the magic and science as a bubbleologist brings forth to the masses.
I offer an indoor bubble station and an outdoor bubble station.
BUBBLE BOOTH Indoor only.
1hr – Where we invite anyone to be INSIDE a giant bubble, this is the photo opt. Guests stand in the bubble while their friends take a picture.
1hr – Where guests have a chance to make their own bubbles like Miss T after a show. I provide 3 stations and 30 wands for guests to use.
Media page link
Tv Media brands crowd drawing fashion social media
Want to create HYPE about your company, brand, location, venue, festival or new product and make it a talked about event?
We have seen firsthand how successful bubbles can be in attracting large numbers of people that will 100% benefit all the businesses involved. If you can just imagine the wonder that someone would have when they see our mega and millions of bubbles, they cannot resist finding out where they are coming from, what is happening and of course WHO is doing this and that would be YOU!
Bubbles have an incredible UNIVERSAL appeal that covers all ages, creeds and cultures and will inspire and excite whatever your target market!
We will customize our performance to suit your needs. Whether you’re hoping to create some eye-catching entertainment to magnetize and intrigue public attention towards your launch or event. We can even help generate exciting worldwide advertising and PR with bubble antics, feats or art.
We are happy to work with producers, stage developers, directors, photographers, advertising teams, CEO’s, marketing teams and event managers to create something leading edge and innovative that ties in with what you are offering or hoping.
Want to attempt a world record with bubbles ask, fill a stadium with bubbles, fill an ice rink full of bubbles, special bubble close-up shots for commercials, live bubble action for ambient atmosphere, advertising to create a driven and motivational bubble experience. So if you have a question, idea, concept, photo shoot, and study just ask the bubble expert!
Imagine your event, commercial, gala, fashion show, magazine ad with magnificent mega magical bubbles, millions of bubbles and fog bubbles that encompass the scenery creating that fantasy atmosphere setting.
Media page link

See Grimes Juno awarding winning music video “Venus Fly” on my media page where I brought my bubbles and expertise to this original video with slow motion illusion scenes. Which then got Miss T an interview with Pitchfork magazine ( like Rolling Stone ) in “An interview with the Bubbleologist behind Grimes Venus Fly video” as well on the link below
Media page link
Take it to the next level, be UNIQUE!